BNI Britannia
01/03/19 13:31 Filed in: Business

I was recently recommended to visit a local BNI Chapter, a business network I had not heard about.
I visited BNI Britannia which holds meetings at Charwood in South Edinburgh.
I was so impressed and enthused at the meeting I signed up to join there and then!
Networking is not something I have enjoyed over the years as too often it is a case of so many people just desperately handing out business cards and few personal connections are made. BNI is the complete opposite to that, the philosophy is about ‘Giver’s Gain’ and all business is referral based which actually makes you think differently in general conversation. You think more about who you can help and how they can help others rather then ‘how can I get any work myself’.
Our meetings are enthusiastic and fun so if that sounds like a great way to start your Thursday morning before work get in touch and I can get you on the guest list!